When is Someone Considered a Writer?

Is a person a writer when they sell their first book or long before that? Is everyone who picks up a pen and scratches words to paper considered a writer? What makes someone a writer? I’m the type of person who likes to see things bigger than they are. I always believe there is some […]

Why I Love to Read and Write About the Paranormal

I love to read and write about the paranormal. The paranormal is simply the unexplained. In a world where everything seems to hold a scientific explanation, the paranormal is perhaps one of the only ways to keep the magic of the unknown spinning. I particularly like to read and write about ghost stories. Spirits are […]

How Reading Fuels the Soul

Was there ever a time you didn’t read? I remember the time in my life when I didn’t read, vividly. Coincidentally, or perhaps not so coincidentally, it aligns with a time devoid of creativity. It was a dark time with a lot of soul searching and the more I think about it, the more I […]

Using Unique Comparisons in Your Writing

Nothing excites me more than coming across unique comparisons when I read. I love it when an author surprises me by comparing two utterly unrelated things to create a vivid picture. There are times I catch myself thinking, “I wish I had thought of that first!” because the comparisons are so superb. Unique comparisons can […]

Building Believable Fictional Characters

Building believable fictional characters isn’t as precise as formulating sentence structure or correcting grammar. There are many ways to create consistent and complex characters, and every writer has a unique way of doing it. In the article below, I explain the elements of character building that are important to me as an author and a […]

If He Reads He May Be Your Prince Charming

If you’re looking for your Prince Charming or Princess Perfect you may want to make sure he/she reads fiction. Books can be breadcrumbs in leading you to your soulmate. Last year I came across a fascinating article about “Why Readers, Scientifically, Are the Best People To Fall in Love With.” I’ve thought about it many […]

5 Reasons Why Adults Love YA Books

Hi, my name is Jamie, I’m 31 and I confess to loving YA books. There, I got that out of my system and I’m not ashamed. The truth is I have friends in their 40’s and 50’s that love reading YA books too, so it’s not just me. But why? I can assure you it […]

Does Reading Make You A Better Person?

There are dozens of occasions I can recall curled up on a couch, heart pounding, eyes hot and watery, as I tried to subdue a wrenching pressure in my chest. It wasn’t because of anything that happened in my life, but because I was so vehemently involved in the life of someone else. I was […]